Thursday, May 8, 2014

No Fear Ro

R.K. picked out this shirt yesterday because she wanted 'her kids' as she calls them at school to know she had Grandma day the day before.  She was being lazy this morning, so she wanted me to pick the pants.  The funny thing that happened with her today is when I was picking her up from school, her teacher was telling me she was upset about her speaking part that she has with her school friend for their graduation program...I thought she might be upset because her friend wasn't with her to speak, but she was upset because she wanted to be up there all by herself, and be the only one talking and singing. Public speaking is one of my biggest fears, so I have NO idea where she gets this, but when she told me, I thought, yep that sounds like her!!

Her shirt says 'Grandma's Snuggle Bunny'

1 comment:

  1. I extra happy with this outfit if she wanted her friends to know she had grandma day. I love that she wanted to do her part alone! She is definitely not shy��
