Thursday, May 1, 2014

Letting go of my OCD...

Yesterday R.K. picked out her outfit which she likes to do most days.  I told her it didn't match, and asked if she would rather put on black or white leggings instead.  She insisted that she wanted to wear what she picked out, so I just 'let it go', as Elsa sings in Frozen.  I remembered later that day that we had a dentist appointment, so this is my FB post:

Letting go of my OCD, and just hoping it's obvious she dressed herself today 

I got lots of great responses from my friends...
Here are a couple
 My daughter wore her clothes inside out and/or backwards for a while. We looked at it like we were fostering independence over accuracy. They look cute no matter what they wear. : )

There are so few times in life were creativity wins. One of those times is adolescent. May your daughter embrace her inner artist! Maybe you have a fashion designer on your hands! Love it!

Generally she does have a great sense of what goes together, and we have commented on that before, then there are days where her outfit does not match.  Yesterday though, I just decided to not fight it, and let her be her creative self.  I posted a picture (below) in the comments section showing a time when she picked the perfect shirt for her new skirt.

 Here is an example of when she surprised us. She got the skirt from my mom, and I thought we'd have to buy a shirt to match... Then she found the perfect one in her closet.

So today when she picked out her outfit (pics below), which actually went OK together, I got the idea of starting a blog to show her fashion sense as she grows older.  The fun thing about it is, there is no way of knowing what she will put together, but I'm willing to let her spread her wings, if she is willing to make me smile at her creativity.

Below is a picture of her outfit today, and a video of her explaining it...She is 4 yrs old, so it doesn't make the most sense, but she sure is cute!

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