Monday, May 12, 2014

Mom's And Muffins And Elsa Shirt

Dad found this very cute shirt on the internet.  Most people just think it's Elsa from Frozen, but it's a spoof shirt of Frozen and Game of Thrones.  

Anyway, this morning RK didn't get dressed again?! She ended up going to drop off LT in just her underpants!!  Then put her jammies back on when we got home.  But, today we had 'Mom's And Muffins' event at LT's school, so I insisted she pick something to wear....I do draw the line on wearing jammies or underpants in public ;)

I told her to go get something, and so would I, and she said...let's wear our Elsa shirt.  I ended up getting a matching shirt since it's so cute/funny.

Here is a picture when she first got the shirt, it's a nice shot of what the shirt looks like...and she is darling too!

Here she is waiting for LT's class to be ready. 

His class

LT reading with his friend.

She took his bag and carried it for him

Being silly and jumping 

(Picture taken by LT, she has a candy in her cheek)

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day

Rowan didn't want to pick her outfit this morning, so I did.  It ended up being a good choice because when we went out for brunch at Sage's Cafe the syrup she dripped all over her shirt just wiped right off 'Hello Kitty' : )  She made this beautiful book mark at her school for mother's day.  She took it right from her bag and hid it since Thursday.  She ended up in our bed around 3 am Saturday night, and the first thing she told me when she woke up was 'Happy Mudder's Day'.  She then found her gift she hid and proudly gave it to me. What a sweetie pie!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Museum of Natural Curiosity

R.K. was so excited to take her blog picture this morning, she turned on our bedroom light at 7:30 am?!  Later she added the jacket and hat, which we thought was pretty cute.  In the afternoon, we had tickets to go see the new museum at Thanksgiving Point.  Since we are members, we got to go to a preview before it's officially opened to the public.  She LOVED it there.  She was totally in her creative space in every corner of that place.  She spent a good amount of time in the art room drawing her picture.  And in one of the rooms she was very intent on making stuff, so much so, she was pretty upset when we had to go on to the next place.  She had a great day!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

No Fear Ro

R.K. picked out this shirt yesterday because she wanted 'her kids' as she calls them at school to know she had Grandma day the day before.  She was being lazy this morning, so she wanted me to pick the pants.  The funny thing that happened with her today is when I was picking her up from school, her teacher was telling me she was upset about her speaking part that she has with her school friend for their graduation program...I thought she might be upset because her friend wasn't with her to speak, but she was upset because she wanted to be up there all by herself, and be the only one talking and singing. Public speaking is one of my biggest fears, so I have NO idea where she gets this, but when she told me, I thought, yep that sounds like her!!

Her shirt says 'Grandma's Snuggle Bunny'

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Sweet Ro

Well, I am thinking this is her best looking outfit so far.  I actually think that she is trying to match, and look good for her blog pictures. Although her video's just keep getting crazier, so instead of her outfit video, I'm posting a video I made of her yesterday trying to entertain her brother while he was in the bath.  This is to give you an idea of just how crazy she is-but in a good way ;)

This first picture was taken before we left the house.  The weather was cold and rainy today, so I suggested she pick out some leggings so her legs don't get cold. She insisted that she didn't need them. Then when we were driving, she said she would like to put her purple leggings on when we got home since her legs were cold. She's learning!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Dance Burn Out

RK has been taking Dance class this year at her school.  She started out really liking it, but they are doing Cinderella for their end of the year recital, and the song/dance her class is doing is 'Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo', and she isn't much of a fan of it. A couple of months ago she started leaving her class early, and I thought about pulling her out of the class, but with the year almost done, I just figured she could just hopefully wait it out.  The last month or so she has been staying in her class, but has really checked out!  Last week I got a video of her doing the dance-well sort of doing it!  This week her enthusiasm was even less?!  Although it was their 6th or 7th run through, so she was probably just sick of it by then.  I'm still really glad we opted out of paying and having her be in the recital.  Maybe next year she will like the class more, but if not we won't force her to go...maybe we can find something else that she likes better?

Monday, May 5, 2014

It's A PJ Kinda Day

So RK again spent most of the morning in her underpants.  I wanted her to pick out an outfit on her own without my prompting, but since she doesn't have school today, or anywhere important to go, I just put her PJ's back on when we had to pick up LT at school.  I took these pics and thought her poses and expressions were worth sharing.  And for the video, I am posting a favorite of mine that I took a couple of months ago of her explaining aliens.  It is a little on the long side, but still funny.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Underwear Singer

RK spent most of the morning in her underpants, even after I kept asking her many times to pick something out to wear. Finally she decided to go up to her room, and I noticed her lamp was still on so I went up with her. She first picked the shirt, then went to her dresser and picked these pants. She said, does this go?  Wanting her to do her thing, I just said, you can pick anything you like. Her video is cute, but may have to wait a little while for a new one since she is overdoing the 'Medical Sciencey' term ;)  Anyway, I decided to also post a video I made of her a couple of months ago of a song she made up about  'A Underwear Singer'  Super short worth watching!

Underwear Singer Video

If the video doesn't work on your device click link below to watch on youtube

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Super Ro

Today's outfit is brought to you by 'Super Ro'. 

She ironically ran into a super hero at the Lego Expo....I managed to quickly capture this photo before it got too crowded.

And finally, here is a cute outfit she put together recently with her princess apron.  She transformed it into her super hero cape!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Is This Medical Science?

I have no idea where she got the term 'medical science', but it is hilarious!

(Please excuse the brother making noise in the background)

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Letting go of my OCD...

Yesterday R.K. picked out her outfit which she likes to do most days.  I told her it didn't match, and asked if she would rather put on black or white leggings instead.  She insisted that she wanted to wear what she picked out, so I just 'let it go', as Elsa sings in Frozen.  I remembered later that day that we had a dentist appointment, so this is my FB post:

Letting go of my OCD, and just hoping it's obvious she dressed herself today 

I got lots of great responses from my friends...
Here are a couple
 My daughter wore her clothes inside out and/or backwards for a while. We looked at it like we were fostering independence over accuracy. They look cute no matter what they wear. : )

There are so few times in life were creativity wins. One of those times is adolescent. May your daughter embrace her inner artist! Maybe you have a fashion designer on your hands! Love it!

Generally she does have a great sense of what goes together, and we have commented on that before, then there are days where her outfit does not match.  Yesterday though, I just decided to not fight it, and let her be her creative self.  I posted a picture (below) in the comments section showing a time when she picked the perfect shirt for her new skirt.

 Here is an example of when she surprised us. She got the skirt from my mom, and I thought we'd have to buy a shirt to match... Then she found the perfect one in her closet.

So today when she picked out her outfit (pics below), which actually went OK together, I got the idea of starting a blog to show her fashion sense as she grows older.  The fun thing about it is, there is no way of knowing what she will put together, but I'm willing to let her spread her wings, if she is willing to make me smile at her creativity.

Below is a picture of her outfit today, and a video of her explaining it...She is 4 yrs old, so it doesn't make the most sense, but she sure is cute!